They clean the streets, perform surgeries, deliver food, collect rubbish, provide medicine, control the traffic. They are in the streets. They stay at home. But they remain present. They are the people that iMEdD decided to talk about, in the multimedia documentary it created, which records the new reality of the pandemic.
With the aim of a journalistic recording of the historic times we are currently experiencing, iMEdD activated its network of associates, asking them to use their medium of preference. It asked them to be present too. In just two weeks, renowned and award-winning journalists, photojournalists and film-makers, created a series of documentary narratives thus building a record of the period we live in. As of Thursday, 30 April, texts, photographs and videos are found in public areas, hospitals and supermarkets, reminding us all that some people had to be out there, while we stayed in. “Present” are now found in formerly busy spots of Athens, Thessaloniki, Patras, Volos and Heraklion of Crete, as well as at parontes.imedd.org, a platform hosting all material of this journalistic recording.

“Present” are recorded by: Giannis Adamidis (journalist), Eirini Vourloumi (photojournalist), Sophia Exarchou(film-maker), Giorgos Iliopoulos (film-maker), Marianna Kakaounaki (journalist), Yannis Kolesidis (photojournalist), Kostas Koukoumakas (journalist), Giorgos Moutafis (photojournalist), Yannis Ntrenogiannis(journalist – film-maker), Natassa Mplatsiou (journalist), Marianna Oikonomou (film-maker), Timos Papadopoulos (journalist), Myrto Papadopoulou (photojournalist), Dimitris Papaevangelou (programmer), Nikos Pilos (photojournalist), Nikos Pitsiladis (journalist),Sara Souli(journalist),Katerina Sotirakou (journalist), Alexia Tsagkari (journalist – film-maker), Phoebe Fronista (journalist – film-maker), Thodoris Chondrogiannos (journalist).The coordination of participants and editing of the material was carried out by the iMEdD Ιncubator.

Meet “Present” at: parontes.imedd.org
*The coordination and screening of journalistic material in Thessaloniki was carried out with the support of the Municipality of Thessaloniki.

The journalistic recording “Parontes” by iMEdD was presented on Thursday 30 April and is already causing a stir, both in the public space and on the internet. This multimedia documentary is not an advertising campaign, but a journalism project recorded by journalists, photojournalists and film-makers. The specific action was implemented by initiative of the non-profit journalism organisation iMEdD and with the purpose of being displayed in public spaces in Athens, Thessaloniki, Patras, Volos, Heraklion of Crete and soon in more cities across Greece.
In accordance with the principles of journalism ethics, iMEdD has taken the lawful participation consent both by the contributors and the participants of the project.