The “Out of the Box” Pillar aims, among other things, at the dynamic creation and promotion of experimental and innovative journalistic tools, works and projects. The purpose of Out of the Box is the organization and support of unique, experimental and/or innovative productions of dynamic content – above and beyond the conventional use of different “shapes” and “sizes” – through the utilization of iMEdD’s human resources, structures, infrastructure and constantly evolving know-how. 

About the Out of the Box

The activities of the Pillar will be carried out jointly with iMEdD, in its capacity as an Organization that constitutes an independent legal entity which functions as a supervisory and administrative structure. 

Out of the Box will act as a self-contained system for (co-)producing dynamic content, allowing participants to develop their talent, knowledge and techniques. 

The determination of the extent of use of the Organization’s resources and infrastructures will be clarified in the individual Agreements for each project of the Pillar, where the relevant conditions will be specified. 

Issues relating to intellectual property rights (etc.) of any work generated by the Pillar will be the subject of a separate agreement between the parties, due to the work’s potentially wide-ranging nature in terms of its subject, its impact and iMEdD’s degree of involvement.  The place, time and manner of iMEdD’s participation in each “Out of the Box” project, as well as the terms of the latter’s release and distribution, will be determined after specific consultation and cooperation between the parties.

Past projects:

Digitization of the personal archive of the journalist Alexis Papachelas

Digitization of the journalistic archive on Media history of the journalist Vassilis Koufopoulos

Facts & Figures

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