Investigate Europe

Experienced journalists from eleven European countries, are “Investigate Europe”. They research as a multinational team, share, merge and crosscheck facts – tackling the usual national bias and point out responsible transnational structures and actors in issues of European-wide relevance to make it possible to hold them accountable.

  • iMEdD, in the framework of the creation of the Ukraine Observatory, cooperated – among others – with international independent journalistic organisations, such as Investigate Europe. 
  • Also, in the framework of the 2020 ideas zone, two workshops were held on remote reporting in times of pandemic, conducted by Investigate Europe journalists Paulo Pena and Wojciech Cieśla and the COVID cross-border investigation. Case study: vaccines, presented by Ingeborg Eliassen and Juliet Ferguson -also Investigate Europe journalists.  
  • Moreover, Investigate Europe journalists Elisa Simantke, Ingeborg Eliassen and Wojciech Cieśla were members of the incubator evaluation committees. 
  • Leila Minano, member of Investigate Europe participated in the panel discussion entitled “Does investigative journalism exist in Greece or not?”, in the framework of iMEdD’s 24-hour inaugural event.