This inventory of local and regional media in Greece is the first attempt at mapping and analysing our country’s local-media ecosystem.
The initial question that triggered this mapping was the number of individual media outlets in the region. How many local daily and weekly newspapers are there in Greece? How many radio and TV stations and news websites are there in the provinces?
At the same time, the Organisation’s primary goal was to understand the environment in which journalists work in Greece and to identify ‘news deserts’ – areas, in other words, where primary news content is not created or where local media are declining and disappearing.
The inventory of local and regional news media outlets began in September 2021 and took place in three phases. Initially, the Organisation compiled the existing public lists of local news media and launched a survey to confirm whether the media in these locales are operating. After establishing an updated list of the already recorded local media, the Organisation went into greater depth in the list of operating media outlets. During the autumn of 2021, in collaboration with the regional Journalists’ Unions, we conducted interviews with journalists who live and work in given prefectures to cross-check whether the local media said to be operating are producing original content and are a reliable source of information for the local community. In the third and final phase, in the first months of 2022, the Organisation’s list was enriched with media that emerged from an extensive online survey and were confirmed during interviews with regional journalists. You can search here for more information on the survey methodology, data collection, and the criteria for including regional media in the Organisation’s database.
The result of the Organisation’s survey is an interactive map of news media. The next step is to enrich it with news media it could not find. If you work at or own a local media outlet that is not on the map, you can enter it here