iMEdD joins Vouliwatch in campaign to strengthen the right to public information access

As part of Vouliwatch’s ongoing campaign to safeguard the crucial Right of Access to Public Information, iMEdD, alongside 13 other Civil Society Organizations and independent media outlets, has co-signed a Joint Letter addressed to political authorities with recommendations to improve the current legal framework in Greece.

Vouliwatch has long championed citizens’ right to public information, and its latest coordinated campaign aims to raise awareness and pressure policymakers to strengthen the legal framework. The right to access public information is a cornerstone of transparency, accountability, and democracy. While Greece’s current legislative framework marks progress, there is still significant room for improvement, both in its implementation and in further legislative reform.

Vouliwatch has long championed citizens’ right to public information and its latest campaign aims, apart from putting pressure on policymakers to improve the legal framework, to inform and raise awareness. The right of access to public information is a cornerstone of transparency, accountability and democracy. While Greece’s current legislative framework marks progress, there is still considerable room for improvement, both in its implementation and in further legislative reform.

Following a workshop on the subject conducted by Vouliwatch in July 2024, which involved civil society representatives and journalists, an alliance of 15 organisations and independent media outlets was formed to strengthen the right of access to public information. Initiated by Vouliwatch, we co-authored recommendations to improve the legal framework in Greece accompanied by a joint letter from the co-author organisations to the political world.

In today’s global challenges to democracy, adopting the Tromsø Convention and our proposals will be an important step towards transparency, accountability and strengthening the rule of law in Greece.

You can read the policy documents we submitted here

Organizations participating in the campaign:

Vouliwatch, Interalia, Electra Energy Cooperative, Mediterranean Institute for Investigative Reporting (MIIR), Solomon, The Press Project, Reporters United, Omnia TV, The Manifold, incubator for Media Education and Development (iMEdD), Liberty of Speech, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Greenpeace, HIAS, Transparency International Greece
